Commercial Coffee Machines
Commercial Bean to cup coffee machines. Choose between our range of Coffee to Go self service or site operated coffee equipment using either dried or fresh milk.
Coffee to Go Bean to Cup machines are one touch operated with an integrated coffee bean hoppers and either attached milk fridge unit or product canisters for dry milk and chocolate.
Coffee Machines
Coffee Machines
Branded Slush Machines
Coffee Machines
Branded Slush Machines
Branded Slush Machines
Coffee Machines
Bean to cup machines are designed by demand capacity, ranging from 50 cups per day to 200. We do offer higher capacity equipment upon request. Popular in sites with a high staff turnover such as restaurants, hotels, cafes, deli's and also in offices. Purchased where convenience, reliability and high coffee quality is important.
SlushCo is part of Denby Dale Coffee Ltd, a speciality commercial coffee machine company with expertise going back 20 years in the coffee industry. We are one of the few authorised Jura dealers in the UK, offering excellent service, genuine Jura coffee machines, expertise, quick engineer site call outs and value for money.